Nap time! ZzzZzOlchaS on DeviantArt

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Nap time! ZzzZz



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Hey guys, yesterday saw news about new character in Overwatch and she's sooo cool!!La la la la  Ana is a combination of my main characters at this moment: Widowmaker, Pharah and Mercy blue heart bullet purple heart bullet yellow heart bullet  I think it will be difficult to play her but I just must try ^^

And of course decided to paint Ana! This took me sooo many hours, absolutely exhausted and now it's a nap time for me)) Will try to reply to all of you asap!

My patrons will get high-res, psd-file, step-by-step and brush pack!
Check my Patreon page for more artworks and info:

.:Bullet:. Patreon Support me on Patreon and you will get:

salmon heart bullet full size images
salmon heart bullet 18+ content 
salmon heart bullet step-by-steps and psd files
salmon heart bullet brush pack 
salmon heart bullet more artworks (only patrons can see them)
salmon heart bullet tutorials and more!

Thank you all for your support!Huggle! 


Belle by OlchaS Commission: Temari by OlchaS Tracer! by OlchaS CM: Order of the Banana Soraka :NSFW optional: by OlchaS Widowmaker :NSFW optional: by OlchaS 


~Commissions info~

P.S. Important info: I had too much work so my commissions schedule changed a little! I'll be able to start painting all commissions 2 weeks later than I've planned! I'm really sorry for this delay!:cry: And thank you for understanding!

Image size
800x800px 405.02 KB
© 2016 - 2025 OlchaS
anonymous's avatar
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Jad3d5oul's avatar
Like really....Ana....i was just trying to get Pharah's number, i just wanted to talk to her and yes your quite a MILTGTK....:iconpassoutplz::iconsaysplz: ZZZzzzzzzzzzzz! :iconsaysend-plz:

LOL! Mother I Like To Get To Know=MILTGTK :D

Great piccy artwork tho....even when i was starting to get used to her a bit :D i love the young Ana....she a cutie :D older ain't bad either :giggle: