CM: Order of the Banana Soraka :NSFW optional:OlchaS on DeviantArt

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CM: Order of the Banana Soraka :NSFW optional:



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Was commissioned this picture with Soraka making a smoothie Fruit Set: Peeled Banana - Right  The top lid of the blender wasn't fully secured and smoothie flew everywhere! Was sooo fun to paint this piece and pretty happy with the result)) Hope you too guys Wink/Razz 

My Patrons will get NSFW version and wallpaper size image! La la la la 
Full list of rewards: Banana Soraka rewards

.:Bullet:. Patreon Support me on Patreon and you will get:

yellow heart bullet  access to all my posts, be the first who will see all artworks!
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step-by-steps and psd files
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lilac heart bullet  tutorials and more!

Thank you all for your support, it helps me to improve my skills and paint more! Heart bum 


Widowmaker :NSFW optional: by OlchaSDolly by OlchaS Commission: Yuu by OlchaS Tracer! by OlchaS  Katarina :NSFW optional: by OlchaS

~Commissions info~

P.S. Important info: I had too much work so my commissions schedule changed a little! I'll be able to start painting all commissions 2 weeks later than I've planned! I'm really sorry for this delay!:cry: And thank you for understanding!
Image size
1200x675px 562.29 KB
© 2016 - 2025 OlchaS
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gabischuster's avatar
great banana pic...
maybe you like this inspiration...…