2B (Nier Automata)  :NSFW optional:OlchaS on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/olchas/art/2B-Nier-Automata-NSFW-optional-669696362OlchaS

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2B (Nier Automata) :NSFW optional:



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The first winner of March poll on Patreon - super-awesome 2B from Nier Automata!!🍃

For this picture I was inspired by the sketch of my previous work: Xenovia . Got so much pleasure drawing something dynamic again! I tried to paint 2B flying on her pod :) But as usual I chose a difficult pose, so it was pretty challenging to draw her>< Worked really hard to finish this piece asap and show it to you 😊


My patrons will get NSFW version, big-size wallpaper and more!! 2B

Patreon Icon mini Supporting me on Patreon you help me to create more artworks!! And each month you'll get new art, NSFW pictures, wallpapers, tutorials and more ^v~ patreon.com/olchas

Many-many thanks to you for your sypport!! I wish you nice weekend Beating Heart 


Heartseeker Zyra by OlchaS  CM: Jazz Qareven   :NSFW optional: by OlchaS  Angel of Love Mercy   :NSFW optional: by OlchaS  Witch Mercy :NSFW optional: by OlchaS  Goddess Symmetra    :NSFW optional: by OlchaS  Commission: Iada    :NSFW optional: by OlchaS


~Commissions info~

Image size
1100x620px 464.09 KB
© 2017 - 2025 OlchaS
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Crozneo's avatar
very nice Korra-avatar