Oktanas's avatar


358 Watchers281 Deviations
Artist // Hobbyist // Varied
  • Sep 25, 1986
  • Lithuania
  • Deviant for 19 years
  • He / Him
Fancy Llama: Llamas are awesome! (1529)
birthdAy '10: decade of deviousness
Quartz: It's a big honor to be awarded a Quartz badge! (1)
Bronze Fragment: If this was the Olympics, you’d have made the podium!
My Bio
Bullet; Blue You can find me at this sites: Bullet; Blue
Bullet; Red LastFM: www.last.fm/user/AmenoLTU Bullet; Red
Bullet; Blue Twitter: twitter.com/Amenolt Bullet; Blue
Bullet; Black Steam: steamcommunity.com/id/amenolt Bullet; Black
Bullet; Blue Facebook: www.facebook.com/amenolt Bullet; Blue
Bullet; Green FavsList: www.favslist.com/users/Ameno-O... Bullet; Green
Bullet; Red Google+: plus.google.com/10097870402416... Bullet; Red
Bullet; Black Backloggery: www.backloggery.com/ameno Bullet; Black

Current Residence: Vilnius, Lithuania
Favourite genre of music: Rock, Hard rock, Pop, Metal.
Favourite style of art: Any style that looks great
Operating System: Windows 7
MP3 player of choice: AIMP2, Nokia 5200
Wallpaper of choice: Anything that I like
Personal Quote: WORK BUY DIE !!!

Favourite Movies
DOGMA, 13th ghost, POTC I II III, Whicked litle things, Seven, Wanted weapons of fate
Favourite TV Shows
Dexter, Elementary, Supernatural.
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Lordi, Sabaton, Angelspit
Favourite Writers
In my life i read only 3 books!!!
Favourite Games
Favourite Gaming Platform
Other Interests
Internet, PC games, music, cooking YES COOKING, photography.

I'm back

0 min read
Hello everyone if any one is still here. I stopped visiting DA, because of studies that I finally finished it now. While we on study subject I want to say that FINAL PAPER HAS NO USE!!! No company gonna use it, other students can't use it as literature. So there is no practical point for them. Unless you write in chemistry or something similar.After study's I was keep playing Skyrim Redone with Frostfall, Fallout NV: Project Nevada, DarkSouls and fuck you Anor Londo archers. Currently I play Diablo III and DayZ.Diablo III got a lot of crap for Auction House, Error 47, not looking dark. But the game is great. Gameplay is easy, fun, quick an...
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Hello I'm writing my final paper and my topic is "Internet pages development: the pros and the most common mistakes". I need to find out what are the most common features/mistakes the sites add/makes that forces you to stop visiting that site or start yelling that they would change something. Also if you tell what pros you like that would be great to.Disclaimer:Because the school  requires I will be adding a link to this conversation to the paper.
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:woohoo: :party: :iconcakelickplz: !!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY !!! :iconcakelickplz: :party: :woohoo:

It's September 25th which means it's that time of the year again and your special day is here! We hope you have an awesome day with lots of birthday fun, gifts, happiness and most definitely, lots of cake! Here's to another year!

Many well wishes and love from your friendly birthdays team :love:
Birthdays Team
This birthday greeting was brought to you by: Symphonic-Labyrinth
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[PAC-MAN] Ghost Lord - Emoticon{F2U} Animated Pixel Eye - Pink v1''Graynbow'' orb:blackpurplefire::blackredfire::blackgreenfire::greenwhitefire::bluewhitefire::blackbluefire:Balck Pink Fire:blackpurplefire::blackredfire::blackgreenfire::greenwhitefire::bluewhitefire:eyeTV emoticonF2U | Blinking Eye TV emoticoneye:blackredfire::blackgreenfire::greenwhitefire::bluewhitefire::blackbluefire:Balck Pink Fire:blackpurplefire::blackredfire::blackgreenfire::bluewhitefire::blackbluefire:''Graynbow'' orb{F2U} Animated Pixel Eye - Pink v2[PAC-MAN] Ghost Lord - Emoticon
   bunch of smiley facesbunch of smiley facesStack of Books   Pastel Purple Eye   Here Cometh The Hero :tale:   Blixer JSAB [Icon]   Here Cometh The Hero :tale:   Red Eye   Stack of Books bunch of smiley facesbunch of smiley faces
   bunch of smiley facesMoving Eyeballs Kakigoori 50x50 iconI Candle 50x50 iconAright_blink_left_50x50  [Retro Glitch] H [Retro Glitch] A [Retro Glitch] P [Retro Glitch] P [Retro Glitch] YAright_blink_right_50x50I Candle 50x50 iconMoving Eyeballs Kakigoori 50x50 iconbunch of smiley faces
    Moving Eyeballs Tower Cake 50x50 iconThe CAT - Five Nights at Candy's - Icon GIFSkeleton Hand Left[Retro Glitch] B [Retro Glitch] I [Retro Glitch] R [Retro Glitch] T [Retro Glitch] H [Retro Glitch] D [Retro Glitch] A[Retro Glitch] YSkeleton Hand RightThe CAT - Five Nights at Candy's - Icon GIFMoving Eyeballs Tower Cake 50x50 icon
[PAC-MAN] Ghost Lord - Emoticon{F2U} Animated Pixel Eye - Green v1''Graynbow'' orb :blackpurplefire::blackredfire::blackgreenfire::greenwhitefire::bluewhitefire::blackbluefire:Balck Pink Fire:blackpurplefire::blackredfire::blackgreenfire::greenwhitefire::bluewhitefire:eyeTV emoticonBill Cipher IconTV emoticoneye:blackgreenfire::greenwhitefire::bluewhitefire::blackbluefire:Balck Pink Fire:blackpurplefire::blackredfire::blackgreenfire::bluewhitefire::blackbluefire:''Graynbow'' orb{F2U} Animated Pixel Eye - Green v2[PAC-MAN] Ghost Lord - Emoticon
 F2U: Black Neko Blob IconF2U: Purple Pink Pop Neko Blob IconF2U: Bright Orange Neko Blob IconF2U: Bunny Blob (experiment)F2U: Greenish Neko Blob IconF2U: Tangerine Neko Blob IconF2U: Baby Pink Neko Blob IconF2U: Snow Blue Neko Blob IconF2U: Purple Bunny BlobF2U: Glowing Blue Neko Blob IconF2U: White Neko Blob Icon F2U: Black Neko Blob Icon