3d maneuver gearokageo on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/okageo/art/3d-maneuver-gear-388472031okageo

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okageo's avatar

3d maneuver gear



I've been busy for past couple days because I got a few order of attack on titan 3d gear commissions. 4 of them.. I made a tutorials as requested, it pretty easy to follow since it foam and pvc which makes it light weight and durable.
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2048x1365px 905.37 KB
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feradraco's avatar
Just one question: how did you fix the box thingies? I've made two gears so far, but none of them survived the convention I took them to. I couldn't figure out how to fix the boxes to the gas emitting gear and my legs, they kept falling off.