Jan 19th 2007

11 min read

Deviation Actions

OibyrdsDDs's avatar
:winner: PHOTOGRAPHY :winner:
1. Relaxing by JeanFrancois by :iconjeanfrancois:JeanFrancois
2. Flower Macro II by disenchantedmuse by :icondisenchantedmuse:disenchantedmuse
3. untitled 2 by missfrankiiwilde by :iconmissfrankiiwilde:missfrankiiwilde
4. Moi by Apocalypticaa by :iconapocalypticaa:Apocalypticaa
5. purple white flower by nonsequiter301 by :iconnonsequiter301:nonsequiter301

:winner: STOCK :winner:
1. Basics-ly Headless 06 YIR by Ahrum-Stock by :iconahrum-stock:Ahrum-Stock
2. :thumb47800757: by :iconenvious-stock:Envious-Stock
3. :thumb47885805: by :iconcookiekitty-stock:cookiekitty-stock
4. Object _ plush giraffe by Aimelle-Stock by :iconaimelle-stock:Aimelle-Stock
5. Stock - Mushroom by Gracies-Stock by :icongracies-stock:Gracies-Stock

:winner: TRADITIONAL ART :winner:
1. :thumb47754588: by :iconwolfgangraven:wolfgangraven
2. Cat 220107 by AEnigm4 by :iconaenigm4:AEnigm4
3. My buddy's map by Bizkuteatr by :iconbizkuteatr:Bizkuteatr
4. :thumb47335033: by :iconimperfecthalo:ImperfectHalo
5. Darth GreenPink by LimeGreenSquid by :iconlimegreensquid:LimeGreenSquid

:winner: DIGITAL ART :winner:
1. :thumb47614863: by :iconsheispretty:sheispretty
2. Eternal Spectator by Aegis-Illustration by :iconaegis-illustration:Aegis-Illustration

Mature Content

Free by MelGama
by :iconmelgama:MelGama
4. Angel by Felina-Cat by :iconfelina-cat:Felina-Cat
5. Danger Gal by 80Gunz by :icon80gunz:80Gunz

:winner: ARTISAN CRAFTS :winner:
1. Baby Gir by sarixthelost by :iconsarixthelost:sarixthelost
2. stained glass clownfish by CindyCrowell by :iconcindycrowell:CindyCrowell
3. 'The Wedding' mask by EMasqueradeGallery by :iconemasqueradegallery:EMasqueradeGallery
4. green man and ice queen by WhiteSeraph by :iconwhiteseraph:WhiteSeraph
5. Blarg. by Hush-Plush by :iconhush-plush:Hush-Plush

:clap: WALLPAPER OF THE DAY :clap:
Thirteen Up by smashmethod by :iconsmashmethod:smashmethod

:clap: BRUSH SET OF THE DAY :clap:
Dancing silhouettes 2 by erichilemex by :iconerichilemex:erichilemex

by :iconchocomalk:chocomalk

:clap: TEXTURE OF THE DAY :clap:
:thumb37599045: by :iconmilui-lhunhen:Milui-Lhunhen

:love: PRINT OF THE DAY :love:
I promise by Loveit by :iconloveit:Loveit

:giggle: GIGGLE OF THE DAY :giggle:
Kitten Smile by CatStock by :iconcatstock:CatStock

© 2007 - 2025 OibyrdsDDs
anonymous's avatar
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80Gunz's avatar
Thanks once again for the shoutout Sandi!