Feb 13th 2007

13 min read

Deviation Actions

OibyrdsDDs's avatar


ODDS for Feb 13th  2007
:winner: PHOTOGRAPHY :winner:
1. Chiwa- Tell me Sweet Nothing. by KassandraLeigh by :iconkassandraleigh:KassandraLeigh
2. :thumb52700177: by :iconmadias:Madias
3. :thumb52700201: by :iconfeodor-alexandr:Feodor-Alexandr
4. :thumb52700232: by :iconabsinthebride:absinthebride
5. :thumb52700263: by :iconplywood123:Plywood123

:winner: STOCK :winner:
1. friendly. by vw1956stock by :iconvw1956stock:vw1956stock
2. :thumb52695560: by :iconadharabatul:AdharaBatul
3. room-stock by Vickithtoria-Stock by :iconvickithtoria-stock:Vickithtoria-Stock
4. Lniannon 49 by Lniannon-Stock by :iconlniannon-stock:Lniannon-Stock
5. by :iconlindowyn-stock:lindowyn-stock

:winner: TRADITIONAL ART :winner:
1. Toshiya by justMelody by :iconjustmelody:justMelody

Mature Content

1407 by santosam81
by :iconsantosam81:santosam81
3. Charles by AztcFireFlower by :iconaztcfireflower:AztcFireFlower
4. AT ONE by jason8000 by :iconjason8000:jason8000
5. Historian's life by happysquirreljoints by :iconhappysquirreljoints:happysquirreljoints

:winner: DIGITAL ART :winner:
1. :thumb52700250: by :iconnebezial:nebezial
2. by :iconphantasmagora:Phantasmagora
3. GENG Fanart by mushi23 by :iconmushi23:mushi23
4. Mick Jones- The Clash by janierotten by :iconjanierotten:janierotten
5. April Spiral D by Xantipa2 by :iconxantipa2:Xantipa2

:winner: ARTISAN CRAFTS :winner:
1. :thumb52685994: by :iconxmichix:xmichix
2. :thumb52694828: by :iconpazhmina:pazhmina
3. Watermelon Earrings by hanmei by :iconhanmei:hanmei
4. Faerie Queen Ice Collar by archangeli by :iconarchangeli:archangeli
5. Siamese Cat Hat by CatNapCaps by :iconcatnapcaps:CatNapCaps

:winner: ANIME/MANGA :winner:
1. SHAMROCK by kai-hing by :iconkai-hing:kai-hing
2. Random doodle number 2 by foodisgood002 by :iconfoodisgood002:foodisgood002
3. :thumb52698823: by :iconmarie-angele:Marie-Angele
4. tamiko - disgaea 2 thief by Nikkichuzillah by :iconnikkichuzillah:Nikkichuzillah
5. Windy by sassie-kay by :iconsassie-kay:sassie-kay

:clap: WALLPAPER OF THE DAY :clap: **yeah yeah - I'm behind - but today is easter and I couldn't resist this one!**
The all easter-egg-gamble by Nellphotics by :iconnellphotics:Nellphotics

:clap: BRUSH SET OF THE DAY :clap:
Raven Set 6.0 by Insan-Stock by :iconinsan-stock:Insan-Stock

My first actions set by surrender---x3 by :iconsurrender---x3:surrender---x3

:clap: TEXTURE OF THE DAY :clap:
Marble Stone Texture Stock by Enchantedgal-Stock by :iconenchantedgal-stock:Enchantedgal-Stock

:love: PRINT OF THE DAY :love:
Eleanor'07 by Aegis-Illustration by :iconaegis-illustration:Aegis-Illustration

:giggle: GIGGLE OF THE DAY :giggle:
Mind by cptkangaroo by :iconcptkangaroo:cptkangaroo

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