Please check out my art account
Sandi ox
Current Residence: Toronto Canada
deviantWEAR sizing preference: XXL or XXXL since apparently girls have no boobs these days
Print preference: matte
Favourite genre of music: metal, alternative, 80s, acoustic piano stuff
Favourite photographer: My husband, katerina423, arachnid15, Tracie76, Hotburrito2, Suzie9mm
Favourite style of art: Photo Manipulation, Dark Art
Operating System: Windows XP
MP3 player of choice: I still have my records dammit
Shell of choice: er....
Wallpaper of choice: Anything that doesn't hurt my eyes lol
Skin of choice: er again....?
Favourite cartoon character: Every char. on Family Guy,Marvin the Martian
Personal Quote: Asking for help does NOT mean please insult me while you give tips