Thief + VideoOhHoneyBee on DeviantArt

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Thief + Video



There's been a robbery
I left with her heart
Tore it apart
Made no apologies"

So recently I got a new display tablet! This is just some practice on trying to get used to it... it's a real big change from what I'm used to. I thought I'd draw my babe Cloudy to the theme of the song "thief" because I think it fits some of her old personality. If you don't know, to sum it up she has daddy issues and she never felt like she was good enough so she would get with a lot of mares, cheat on them and etc. 
She stopped all of that after she met Merris, and they're happily together. 

Hope you peeps like it! 

Image size
2359x2401px 1.45 MB
Β© 2018 - 2025 OhHoneyBee
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