OgawaBurukku on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/ogawaburukku/art/FaLLEN-Chapter-14-Front-Cover-773853367OgawaBurukku

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FaLLEN Chapter 14 -Front Cover-



Why yes, I have started Chapter 14 :D The FaLLEN hiatus is officially over, though it may be slow goin' while I deal with a baby, the holidays, and the rust on these old artist hands. 

This cover features Maris, who last we saw had a tragic encounter with a more powerful enemy than anything the girls had faced to date. I originally had planned on having blood to show her injuries, but decided against that. Instead, I got the carnage through, I hope, with her uniform torn up. What I hoped to show was her transformation undoing itself, since in the last chapter we saw she had been to battle but reverted to what she was wearing prior, which was her waitress uniform from the diner. I've seen magical girl artwork that shows the girl naked but they don't often show them transforming with their clothes still on.

I was going to draw leaves as well but I thought it would become cluttered, but in the comic showing this scene there are leaves. 

In the next few days I will update the website with the logo/text version of this artwork. Posted this two weeks ago on Patreon, so some of you may have already seen this. The PSD file for this art will go up to Patreon sometime before the month is up.

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