OgawaBurukku on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/ogawaburukku/art/FaLLEN-Ch-1-Page-1-325825489OgawaBurukku

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FaLLEN Ch. 1 Page 1



Changed the file slightly to include the Japanese title as well as English, etc. I got a new computer recently and all my previous settings are of course no longer available and I'm kind of all messed up right now...

If anyone knows a guide for drawing ripples, feel free to pass it along to me. I don't have stencils big enough for this so... I failed.

Title page for the first chapter. It kind of sucks, but I don't have a spare gradation tone at the moment so... yeah.

My awesome friend :iconfeeves: did most of the work transforming my Lansbury-fonted title into a more original logo for me. He's amazing, I could never do this on my own.

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1917x2880px 6.47 MB
© 2012 - 2024 OgawaBurukku
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Burksaurus's avatar

I think it's a cool looking cover for the  first chapter of your webcomic