FaLLEN 2015 Calendar Teaser - MayOgawaBurukku on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/ogawaburukku/art/FaLLEN-2015-Calendar-Teaser-May-518745468OgawaBurukku

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FaLLEN 2015 Calendar Teaser - May



This is the priestly character in FaLLEN, my ongoing webcomic, who moonlights as a mysterious scythe-wielding man in black by night. His name and role in the story has yet to be revealed, but you know by the chapter 9 title page image that he is a #priest. If you didn't realize the two men were the same character, well, that wasn't supposed to be a spoiler ;D

This is a redraw of an older image I did here: Just Leave The Bottle by OgawaBurukku
I have been wanting for years to do an updated version of that image, and since I recently started styling his hair differently I thought this would be a good time to do it. I left the original background photo but used quite a few filters on it, did some cutting, spliced in a few other photos... When an image changes that much, do you still cite the original source? The photo is still linked on the original, the other photo that is recognizable is this: Rustic old bar
Other than that... I did a lot of splicing... random stuff.
I learned during the making of this calendar that my new favorite thing to do is to take premade backgrounds or a compilation of photo splices and use the Blur>Surface Blur filter. I did it on like 70% of the images and loved how it looked. Makes the environment real but still kind of cartoony. For this image I did draw all the things on the bar (and the bar itself), though. 

On the left side, that part is also an updated version of an older image. His design has been updated: I added more white to his costume to balance the whites/blacks. Need to post this on my wall so I remember, haha. So just a small update.

You can see more of him here:
FaLLEN Volume 1 Graphic Novel Cover Art by OgawaBurukku FaLLEN Ch.9 Page 1 by OgawaBurukku

If you want to see the process for this artwork, I have an animated gif of the process up on my Patreon, free for everyone to see.

.:Bullet:. Patreon  www.patreon.com/ogawaburukku .:Bullet:. Patreon  
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4175x2976px 4.72 MB
© 2015 - 2025 OgawaBurukku
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Creative2Bit's avatar
does he get serious when hes out to protect or kick some ass or is the scythe just for show?