OgawaBurukku on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/ogawaburukku/art/Arma-Guardian-Of-War-407407720OgawaBurukku

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Arma, Guardian Of War



This is the full-bodied version of Arma from the chapter 4 cover of my ongoing webcomic FaLLEN.

And that's the full text-less version. I use these colored covers for the Japanese releases.

Arma has changed very little over the years, but I did make her boots and arm bands brown, when a few years ago they were black. I think I thought she looked good in the color brown so I put more brown in her outfit. 

And yes, she is a she! She is meant to look very masculine, though, so it's intentional that she has a more muscular build than most women and maybe a more boyish face (boyish for anime-styled art, I guess) and I draw her hands the way I would draw a man's. I originally didn't intend to draw her full-bodied, but I decided to go ahead and finish it that way because I thought it would be good as a promotional image and I could use it for the website profile pages (which I keep forgetting to update). 
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Burksaurus's avatar
Nice picture of Arma