Years Ago
836 Members962 Watchers

A Shower and a Change by markmywords85, literature

The Host With the Most by HansNomad, literature

Skin Glowing From Within by MelissaBoreal, literature

Dreams of the Deep by CZGrey, literature

Techno-Colored Psychosis by HereLizaKnight, literature

Odyssey II Chp VI: Something Worse than Nobody by Isagiyo-Yan, literature

Comments 819

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What is this group about?
Did the book ever get published?
well, is this even still a group?
Did anything ever come of this?
*coughs inconspicuously*
Can we expect an Odyssey into 2014 this year? Being a part of both Odyssey journeys kinda leaves you wanting more of it... ahaha