Children of the 2nd Mourning: The Epitaph by Odin-the-Allfather, literature
Children of the 2nd Mourning: The Epitaph
Once, long ago, in an age that has yet to be,
one young girl fell in love with another.
But, innocence and sweet dreams,
could not dispel the darkness,
that had drawn them together.
So she shared with that girl,
part of her body and soul.They now were of two minds and two bodies,their souls, however, were forever entwined as one.
Alas they were, but flickering candles in the night,
and the winds of ill still blew about them.
What they were, should have never been.
Once they were, they should have never been apart.
Children of the 2nd Mourning: In the Light of Day by Odin-the-Allfather, literature
Children of the 2nd Mourning: In the Light of Day
For a long time she wandered. She found herself walking paths she had not been down since she was a child. When those paths came to an end, she continued to walk. She proceeded deep into the Firchian Woods. Her pace was slow, with only half forgotten memories to guide her way. “Father”, she whispered to herself. Her father had loved history, and had been keen to tutor her in the history of their people. As a child she had found these lessons excruciatingly boring. Now as a woman, whom missed her father, she would have given anything to hear him and his deep baritone voice drone on endlessly, about events of long ago. At lon...
In darkness I am immersed.
I can see no future.
I shall find no joyous path.
Thus I have been cursed.In silence I now stand.
I can hear no hope.
I shall heed no happy promise.
From this have I been banned.Upon the wind there is no scent.
I can smell no victory.
I shall breathe no fortunate windfall.
Upon that fate I lament.Upon my lips there is no taste.
I can receive no nourishment.
I shall savor no spice of life.
So it is, that I shall waste.My hear is frozen, my body numb.
I can feel no soothing warmth.
I shall perceive no passionate caress.
To the frigid apathy I succumb.These senses I have lost,
for that was the price of love.
Children of the 2nd Mourning: The Child No More by Odin-the-Allfather, literature
Children of the 2nd Mourning: The Child No More
It was a beautiful night. The sweet scent of dianta blossoms drifted in the window, carried in by the warm summer breeze. Outside the long mournful song of the moth toads were calling to her. How she loved to go out into the garden and chase the pudgy little creatures under the pale starlight. A bit more tantalizing was the low murmur of the street market that lie just beyond the palace wall. On a night like this, she would have dearly loved to have gone there, and meander aimlessly through the throngs of people. It would seem, however that other arrangements had been made for the evening's activities. “Ball gowns,” she mut...
A Slow Ticking Clock by Odin-the-Allfather, literature
A Slow Ticking Clock
Every minute like an hour.
Every hour like a day.
An eternity in the time,
that you spend away.The clock ticks forth,
you are still not here.
The hand moves again,
and I begin to fear.Now I dwell upon,
the last words that we shared.
My mind begins to panic.
Did I not express, how much I cared?Are you angry with me?
Is this why you do not show?
Have I said something wrong?
These are things, I need to know!No, this is silly. Am I so impatient?
I have no reason, to think such things.
So, I shall just sit and wait till you return,
and try not to worry about what the future brings.
Remember now the proud ones of old;the brave warriors defending their realm,the noble bards who sung of their deeds,the loyal wives who tended the homes,the children who wept for father's return.Gone now are they, one and all.They care not if you know for whom they served,nor the journeys they made or even their names.They ask only to be rememberedthat they once existed, and stood in the sun.
So it was, you walked those halls, in that place of minds, and lessons told.I think of then, so long ago,when I was young, my passions bold.A chance encounter, under autumn sun.You smile at me, and I at you.Hence began, our journey long.I held your hand, as love grew true.We laughed, we danced, we walked as one.Then came the day, my friend turned wife.Seasons passed, and tidings showed.You held within, that joy called life.A chance encounter, under winter moon.She held his hand, and he held hers.That child once born, now a man.We smiled at them, as new love stirs.So it is, we walk this life,in this world of wonder, and joy fulfilled.I thin...
Children of the 2nd Mourning: The Epitaph by Odin-the-Allfather, literature
Children of the 2nd Mourning: The Epitaph
Once, long ago, in an age that has yet to be,
one young girl fell in love with another.
But, innocence and sweet dreams,
could not dispel the darkness,
that had drawn them together.
So she shared with that girl,
part of her body and soul.They now were of two minds and two bodies,their souls, however, were forever entwined as one.
Alas they were, but flickering candles in the night,
and the winds of ill still blew about them.
What they were, should have never been.
Once they were, they should have never been apart.
Children of the 2nd Mourning: In the Light of Day by Odin-the-Allfather, literature
Children of the 2nd Mourning: In the Light of Day
For a long time she wandered. She found herself walking paths she had not been down since she was a child. When those paths came to an end, she continued to walk. She proceeded deep into the Firchian Woods. Her pace was slow, with only half forgotten memories to guide her way. “Father”, she whispered to herself. Her father had loved history, and had been keen to tutor her in the history of their people. As a child she had found these lessons excruciatingly boring. Now as a woman, whom missed her father, she would have given anything to hear him and his deep baritone voice drone on endlessly, about events of long ago. At lon...
In darkness I am immersed.
I can see no future.
I shall find no joyous path.
Thus I have been cursed.In silence I now stand.
I can hear no hope.
I shall heed no happy promise.
From this have I been banned.Upon the wind there is no scent.
I can smell no victory.
I shall breathe no fortunate windfall.
Upon that fate I lament.Upon my lips there is no taste.
I can receive no nourishment.
I shall savor no spice of life.
So it is, that I shall waste.My hear is frozen, my body numb.
I can feel no soothing warmth.
I shall perceive no passionate caress.
To the frigid apathy I succumb.These senses I have lost,
for that was the price of love.
Children of the 2nd Mourning: The Child No More by Odin-the-Allfather, literature
Children of the 2nd Mourning: The Child No More
It was a beautiful night. The sweet scent of dianta blossoms drifted in the window, carried in by the warm summer breeze. Outside the long mournful song of the moth toads were calling to her. How she loved to go out into the garden and chase the pudgy little creatures under the pale starlight. A bit more tantalizing was the low murmur of the street market that lie just beyond the palace wall. On a night like this, she would have dearly loved to have gone there, and meander aimlessly through the throngs of people. It would seem, however that other arrangements had been made for the evening's activities. “Ball gowns,” she mut...
A Slow Ticking Clock by Odin-the-Allfather, literature
A Slow Ticking Clock
Every minute like an hour.
Every hour like a day.
An eternity in the time,
that you spend away.The clock ticks forth,
you are still not here.
The hand moves again,
and I begin to fear.Now I dwell upon,
the last words that we shared.
My mind begins to panic.
Did I not express, how much I cared?Are you angry with me?
Is this why you do not show?
Have I said something wrong?
These are things, I need to know!No, this is silly. Am I so impatient?
I have no reason, to think such things.
So, I shall just sit and wait till you return,
and try not to worry about what the future brings.
Remember now the proud ones of old;the brave warriors defending their realm,the noble bards who sung of their deeds,the loyal wives who tended the homes,the children who wept for father's return.Gone now are they, one and all.They care not if you know for whom they served,nor the journeys they made or even their names.They ask only to be rememberedthat they once existed, and stood in the sun.
So it was, you walked those halls, in that place of minds, and lessons told.I think of then, so long ago,when I was young, my passions bold.A chance encounter, under autumn sun.You smile at me, and I at you.Hence began, our journey long.I held your hand, as love grew true.We laughed, we danced, we walked as one.Then came the day, my friend turned wife.Seasons passed, and tidings showed.You held within, that joy called life.A chance encounter, under winter moon.She held his hand, and he held hers.That child once born, now a man.We smiled at them, as new love stirs.So it is, we walk this life,in this world of wonder, and joy fulfilled.I thin...
Dans l'ombre du Soleil,
A l'heure ou la Nuit s'éveille,
Entre le Chaos et le Néant,
Perdue dans l'Espace Temps,
Cherchant l'Infini dans l'Abysse de l'oubli;
Seul pour la Musique Mon coeur bat,
Envelopper dans son Sombre
Et Malicieux Drap...
“It's true, I rather like who I became, but what am I to do with who I've been? For I may wish to meet myself someday, among the ashes of a fire long dead.” ~ Emilie Autumn
Favourite TV Shows
Bones : Caprica : House M.D. : NCIS
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Aurora Sutra : Autumn Tears : Blutengel : Dark Sanctuary : I Am Eve : L'Âme Immortelle : Persephone : Rachael Yamagata : She & Him : Sopor Aeternus : sToa : The Crüxshadows : The Shroud
Favourite Writers
June Auel : Anne Rice : T.H. White : J.R.R. Tolkien : Thomas Burnett Swann
Favourite Games
Fiesta Online, Ether Saga Online "Not much of a game player but I do need to find a way to unwind once in a while."
So ... yesterday I decided to spin the wheel of fate and submit an artwork to a group. Not the fist time I have done so and it will certainly not be the last. Now I am a realist about such matters, and I understand that such submissions will not always be acceptable to every group. However when it was turned down without a reason stating why, I naturally wanted to know the reasons. I was not prepared for the answer I received a few hours later. It was very polite and straightforward, and worded in just such a way, as to make me want to punch things repeatedly. :unimpressed:I don't know. Perhaps she just caught me on an off day, but I ...
Perhaps it was a touch of delirium from not sleeping the night before. Perhaps it was just the excitement of looking out upon the winter's fist snow. What ever the case, I decided to take a small journey this morning. During more pleasant times, I would do this on occasion. I would go off alone, just spending a little time with myself, my thoughts, and the road. So took my mother's Volkswagen, and headed into town. First I went down to the city square and stopped at the drug store diner, for a warm breakfast. It was early morning and the snow upon the courthouse lawn. I spent a little time just wandering around. I got back into the...