this story continues to be creative, chilling, exciting, and bleak all at the same time.
i really enjoy all the description of the modifications the cleaning, the nights, the clothing and the unique accessories. it's great fun all by itself.
but there is also the story level, which is amazing in its own right. it really hits me in a depressing way, the fear and powerlessness, that the characters can directly attribute to society yet can do nothing about. it's good, scary stuff!
i also randomly want to mention here how realistic this scenario feels in a way. i strongly believe that humans can get used to just about anything. "this is just how the world works" has been a conservative argument for more than a thousand years, ironically describing many very different ways the world worked, and there is a reason we can ignore suffering a few countries over without waking up in a cold sweat every night.
anything can be normalised, and i feel how much your characters are resigned to their fates. when hope's father calms down and speaks softly, i didn't hate him or judge him, i felt relief.