oddballlucy on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/oddballlucy/art/fate-less-world-130950635oddballlucy

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oddballlucy's avatar

fate-less world



This was a fairly straightforward sketch that pretty much drew itself - she's the world's true fate, but long ago when humans first imagined a patheon the gods born from their worshippers realised that true fate could not be shaped or swayed. so they bound her with invisible chains and imprisoned her in a tower with only an eternal moon for company. they stole her scissors and replaced them with a pale imitation, but could not take the strands of fate from her: she keeps the fate of all secret, and the gods could only unravel it as she allowed. fate is inevitable but unknowable, and she rendered all their attempts fruitless in silence.
Image size
2459x3470px 2.93 MB
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gaar-chan's avatar
wow. beautiful concept and drawing :]