The Ghost WolfNymla on DeviantArt

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The Ghost Wolf



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I am slowly getting back into the work pace (although trying not to go all crazy and work 24/7 ;P). Have been spending the last week doing lots of book keeping, updating the policies at my Etsy shop, cleaning my workspace (that was actually looking like total chaos after a few weeks of christmas market crazy preparations and then about 6 weeks of neglect and stuff-dumping). Been building a photography setup, a lightbox and stuff like that.

Buut before I show you that I want to show you this ghost wolf that I made before christmas.
This was a commission from a great client with an awesome idea! He wanted me to make a wolf character from a book that his girlfriend is writing, as a christmas gift for her.

I made this ghost wolf to work as a bookend/book support thingy. It also represents her book, with actual text from her real book from a chapter about the wolves, and a wolf coming out of her book.
It is made with some clay on a wire and tin foil structure, covered with two kinds of fabrics, a modified book, glues, acrylic paints etc.
This was a very unique and totally awesome idea that was so much fun to make!

I hope you enjoy it :)

Don't miss these detailed shots of the wolf:
The Ghost Wolf - Details by Nymla
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© 2015 - 2025 Nymla
anonymous's avatar
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PleisarPup's avatar
What a great idea! And one that would work in my own book. :P Very cool!