Nymla on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/nymla/art/Instagram-Giveaway-1094103341Nymla

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Instagram Giveaway!



Hi hello!
I gotta let you know that I'm hosting a lil giveaway over at Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/p/C_a7gjfuBvh

Giveaway ends on: Thursday Sept 12th, 9pm (Swedish time).

It's been so long since I last did one - I'm excited to find new homes for some of these clay fellas just collecting dust over here.

I'm a perfectionist, that's why. Most have cosmetic imperfections - so that's why I never put them in my shop - but all mugs/plates are food safe. Lets get them rehomed!

There's two ways to enter (you can do both) and two prizes (you can not win both): by sharing your own photo/video of something that I have made, on your public Instagram account. And/or by liking & commenting on the Instagram giveaway post.

Plz read ALL rules over at instagram before you enter, via the link above.

Thanks all! <3

Image size
1500x1875px 866.15 KB
© 2024 Nymla
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