um i have a mlp story request, 'here my idea. king sombra return, 'but he want to fine someone to be his queen, ' then go to pony villi, 'and he spot twilight sparkle. 'and think that she may be it, and he disguise himself as a white pony with black mane and his cutie mark is a black star, 'his new name is nightshade.
'then he grain her trust but slowly he begin to change .twilight sparkle being very kind to him, 'they started to fall in love, 'then since he had no home she let him move in, 'spike didn't want him there, 'he felt that nightshade was hiding a secret, 'so he enter his room and fine nothing, 'as he about to leave he fine,
"a box with plans to fine a queen and he see the name on it that say king sombra. 'then spike rush to see twilight sparkle. 'meanwhile they were on a date. 'he told her that he love her and he thank her so much, 'and that he never find a pony who was this kind. 'as they were about to kiss, 'spike stop her and told her that is, '
king sombra. 'he told her that he wanted a queen and that was her, 'and made her mad 'so he change back to his real from. "but king sombra was trying to explain to him that he change that he want to be with her, 'but she didn't want to hear, 'she ran off with spike following her, 'as he tried to follow her, 'the mane five stop him, 'but he tried to say that h didn't mean to hurt her. 'and apple jack said, 'if you really love her prove it to her.
'and which he did he remove every dark spell from his mind , 'and then his horn turn back to the way it use to look , 'then his eyes his coat he turn into the way he look before he was into dark magic, 'twilight sparkle watch from inside her castle, "then she ran to him, ' she said to him, 'you remove all the darkness for me, 'yes i love you pleas forgive me , "then .
twilight sparkle kiss him, ", that my idea so far what do you think?