44 Pixel Screentone BrushesNyanfood on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/nyanfood/art/44-Pixel-Screentone-Brushes-435566378Nyanfood

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44 Pixel Screentone Brushes

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I told myself I would take a break from drawing anything serious today. I told myself that. Yet 14 hours have passed and this happened.

You may use these brushes for non-commercial purposes without crediting me, as long as you fav if you use. This way the pack gets spread to other people and they can use it too. You should get my permission to use them if you plan to sell what you make with them.

When using these brushes, it's best to display the brushes with "Stroke Thumbnail" instead of thumbnails. Due to the nature of these brushes, you can't really see what they look like from just the thumbnail view. They just look like round things.

These brushes are best used with the pencil tool, especially the three hatch brushes and the two lace brushes. The others can be used with regular brushes just fine but not those three. The hatches are designed primarily for 300-600dpi printing. The small textures can be used for both web and for printing.
© 2014 - 2025 Nyanfood
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