[ Chibitori Post Office ]

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NyamrianWorkshop's avatar

Post Office

«Hello!» — Chibitori greetings you, waving by his small softy wing. «Did you come to check your mail? ^^»

Chibitori Post Office placed on a big branch of The Tig Bree. It's a wooden house, full of letters and packages. Sometimes you can see here purely white torimoris and tori assistants delivering gifts and messages - not only Chibitori is working here, but he is definitely a boss of this place!

> I have a question...
> Check my inventory

Post Office -> I have a question...
Q: How to send something to another people?
A: O-o-o, you should use The Bank to transfer NP or items! We are delivering gifts only, and only to NPC torimoris ^^

Q: Which torimoris can be gifted?
A: By now, Tori Assistant only!

Q: How I can start relationships with them?
A: You should obtain First Impression first (I've heard, that guy from Non-existing shop is selling them for a bunch of nothings!) and gift to a tori you like by a "Gift to" command (e.g. Gift to Tori Assistant First Impression)

Q: How I can gift them something?
A: Use a gift to <torimori name> <item name> command to send a gift! It takes some time to deliver it, and gives you some relationship points, that can raises your relationship level.

You can send one gift to each tori, once per 24h. Also, you can send multiply gifts in one comment, like:

Gift to Tori Assistant Red heart
Gift to Lavender Yellow chockin
Gift to Lon Shiny coin

Q: What should I gift?
A: Each tori has their own preferences in gifts, but there are also some universal items that most torimoris will love, like Red Hearts or Colorful Boquete.

You can check the full table and more information about it on Tori Wikia page!

Q: How I can check my relationship level?
A: Use a check contacts command. It also shows if torimori is ready for gifts or not yet.

Q: It says, I've got a message, huh?
A: That's right! Use check mail command to read them.
Each new level of relationships you'll get a message with a bunch of useful or just unique items. Lon will not give the money for uniques, so you should just keep them!

    Put one command into the comment section. Bot will automatically process your request and will get you result!

Gift to <NPC name> <item>Gifts an item to tori
Ex: Gift to Tori Assistant Red Heart

Check mailCheck your messages

Check contactsShows all relationships and its progress

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Gift to Tori Assistant Lovely Gift Box