RD White Desert 448** - official refNuuhku87 on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/nuuhku87/art/RD-White-Desert-448-official-ref-325310478Nuuhku87

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Nuuhku87's avatar

RD White Desert 448** - official ref



Proof of my ownership!
blanjojo's previous reference -> blanjojo.deviantart.com/art/RD…
Sales journal: blanjojo.deviantart.com/journa…

Horse ID: #448
Horse name: RD White Desert**
Nick: Desert
Breed: Pure Nordanner
Registrated: 19/9/2012
Gender: Stallion
Age: 5 years
Height: 1,66m or 5,43 ft
Color: Bay dun blanket appaloosa
Genotype: Ee AA DD LpLp
Body type: Really light. 90% modern, 10% medium so almost like an avarage warmblood


Personality: Very sweet and calm, but likes to make some jokes. Everyone can ride him but he only create a band with people he likes himself. He's smart and even tough he is very young he know all the tricks to pull your feet. The only thing he really hate is jumping! He even won't step over a beam.

Bloodline: This is a starter!
------------------------------------------ SSS: unknown
----------------- SS: unknown
------------------------------------------ SSD: unknown
Sire: unknown
------------------------------------------ SDS: unknown
----------------- SD: unknown
------------------------------------------ SDD: unknown
------------------------------------------ DSS: unknown
----------------- DS: unknown
------------------------------------------ DSD: unknown
Dam: unknown
------------------------------------------ DSS: unknown
----------------- DD: unknown
------------------------------------------ DDD: unknown

1. for ~White--Swallow with Basilia Call to Arms broken-arrowec.deviantart.com/… -- Breeding Picture white--swallow.deviantart.com/…
2. Reserved or earthshala with RD Autumn Snow - Got 2453 Desert in Autumn
3. Mine with Aluma 412
4. Mine with Mary
5. Reserved to rempage because she gave me a slot from SKG Odina 24.
6. Reserved for CrazyBrit88 with 731 Fiore d'Argento ***** - got Petalo d'Oro 3678
7. For White--Swallow with WDR There Fire In The Truth fav.me/d5glxqw - Breeding Picture fav.me/d5gt3lf
8. For sazzy-riza with ArDes Desert Royalty fav.me/d55uvfe -- Breeding picture fav.me/d5gjdm9
9. Art Auction, when reaches 75 kaaring point. Keep an eye to my journals etc.
10. Hold back until reaches 150 kaaring points.

FDS Scarborough 1477
FDS Scarborough 1477 by White--Swallow
ArDes Saharan Sandstorm 2410
2410 | ArDes Saharan Sandstorm by sazzy-riza
FDS Cobra 2444
#2444 FDS Cobra by White--Swallow
2534 MDS Desert in Autumn
2453 MDS Desert in Autumn by ShapeShifter314
Tyr 3094
3094 Tyr by rempage
Petale d'Oro 3678
3678 Petalo d'Oro by LiddleCherry

Grandfoals and other related horses:
FDS Winter Lady 1707 fav.me/d5cfy3g
MDS Maia 1721 fav.me/d55ehjm
PS Pandora Hearts 1856 fav.me/d5eludj
WDR Vitani 2064 fav.me/d5gebj4
The Phantom of the Opera 2268 fav.me/d5fxap3
Bai Lin 2350 fav.me/d5gzkhc
GLS Skyfall 2657 fav.me/d5k4v7p
2827 FDS Paranormal Activity 4 fav.me/d5nfedo
2731 GS Staring at the Sun fav.me/d5ltjxt
DRS Sin City 2883 stabledaydreams.deviantart.com…
2981 Magnus fav.me/d5n34f3 / fav.me/d5n34f3
3129 Daryl Dixon fav.me/d5n9x7n
CH The Wolverine 3476
PS Zero to Hero 3552 fav.me/d5r75vo
3583 General Tsao fav.me/d5urnby
3594 PS Dance Of The Elves fav.me/d5ry4tb
3658 Sin in Paradise fav.me/d5rrx5s
3698 Lover fav.me/d5y9ben
3714 MDS Golden Oppurtunity fav.me/d5y5wyr
3904 WD Chillin Like A Villian ?Link?
3917 GLS Stereo Hearts fav.me/d5uqmea
3927 ???
4379 Succubu's Secret fav.me/d619yel
4646 Blood Honey ?Link?
4678 SOS Homonculus fav.me/d63f2zc

3596 LSN Call of the Wild - official ref by Nuuhku87

Discipline: Dressage and daily riding and natural horsemanship.
Training: Basic training given, can be ridden
Tack: Daily + Dragon hunter full gear
Show Info: No shows run yet

Kaaring: fav.me/d75q3zr

:star: 36/15 points (Quality Blood)
:star: :star: 36/30 points
:star: :star: :star-empty: 36/45 points
Anything else:
12/4/2013 New ref image :)
11/9/2012 Rejected by the group because of the new ownership wasn't been registered. Will re-submit at the end of this week.
4/9/2012I'm really confused what's going on with the group. :XD: I had this 'ready' long time ago, but when they closed the submission I decide to took my changes to add some details around the frame.
Also I am so damn polite (really unneeded I know, bu-ut that's me....). :'D Every time they open submission they tell not to flood the inbox. So I sit back and let them short out 'busy situations' for couple of days and ta-daa 'people have wedged' me and I am the last one in this queue. :'D Here it is now anyway! Gimme my stallion! :love: *lol - jk*
I'm generally quite happy for the result. :)


Art © : Nuuhku87
character/design © : =Rosalaun
Breed ©: BaliroAdmin

Image size
680x948px 305.11 KB
iPad 2
Shutter Speed
1/33 second
Focal Length
4 mm
ISO Speed
Date Taken
Apr 11, 2013, 11:55:58 PM
© 2012 - 2025 Nuuhku87
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theliondemon-kaimra's avatar
thought i would let you know one of there family is now Quality Blood his name is 8585 Silver Surfer