flaviobolla's avatar


Environment Concept Artist
134 Deviations
Ginjis Resort is reopened for comission work for August / September.


Portrait, Simple Background
Starts from 250 USD

Portrait, Character with Background
Starts from 300 USD

Landscape complexe
Starts from 300 USD

For more information, write me a message or visit my homepage

Ginjis Resort

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A big thanks!

1 min read
I wanted to thank you all for choosing me for the Daily Deviation a few days ago and for all your comments and faves! I didn't even know that there existed something like that (LOL) So I was pretty surprised, when I saw that I had all of a sudden over 2000 more Messages!

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First Entry

1 min read
I think im going to use my Deviant Art Account a little bit more active in the future, so I decided to open a Journal.

Two weeks ago, I moved into a new flat near St. Gallen (east switzerland). I still don't know a lot about this region here, but its seems pretty beautiful, with lots of nature and a great panorama to the Swiss Alps. Also the appartement is very nice with a very modern touch and lots of space. I am really enjoying this, cause i bearly had place at my parents home.

With the change of my livingplace I also (and finally!!) changed the design and name of my homepage! Check it out:


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Information by flaviobolla, journal

New Webpage up by flaviobolla, journal

NEWS to come by flaviobolla, journal

Going Live now by flaviobolla, journal

Choose one picture by flaviobolla, journal