Commissions: Closed.
FAQs: Please read before getting in contact.
Are you available for freelance work?
Yes! For artwork commissions or other questions please send me an e-mail or contact my representative agent:
Erika Groeschel Inc., NY
Call (+1) 212 685 3291
Do you work for free?
No! I can not do any work for free, because this is a job like any other too. I do not accept work which is payed on publication either. Please save us both time and do not write me about this, if you can not afford the work. Thanks for understanding.
Can I use one of your pictures for...?
Normally no. If it is for a desktop background, thats alright. Please contact me via mail (no deviantart message pls), if you would like to use any of my work for non-profit usage, and we can make something out. Note that all of my work is under copyright protection.
Is it possible to buy rights for the pictures?
Yes. Please contact me personally for this.
Where can I find more stuff from you:
Best is to look on these sites: