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Utsutsu Mujuro - WIP



Ninja Scroll's coolest character:P
Lots to do still.
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463x757px 218.02 KB
© 2011 - 2024 nunofrias
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ShuranosukeSakaki's avatar
One of favorite blind swordsmen. The othes being Kenshi (MK) and Zatoichi. You know, I would love to know more about Utsutsu Mujuro. Like how did he become blind? Was he born that way or did something happen at one point? Who trained him? How many sword fights did he get into and who did he fight before he ran into Jubei?

Although he was stapped on the left side of his chest (the heart)

But just for "What If" purposes... what if he somehow survived or Jubei missed his heart? He may want revenge but I would love to see the adventures and fights he would get himself into before he finds him. Or what if his sword broke Kagero's blade because without Jubei, Kagero wouldn't be able to take him on.

Too many interesting characters like him get killed off way to soon