NSG-NotSoGood's avatar


Years Ago
52 Members61 Watchers

ART THIEVES BEGONE!!! by TheAnomally, journal

A Dream? A Sailor Moon One shot. by TheAnomally, literature

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Please do not do this. You are still stealing from the original artist that Nads has stolen from. If you want to make parody artwork, we suggest drawing you own characters based off of hers.
I might have missed it but this person's gallery is also full of stolen  screenshots edited from tv shows like Sonic X.
ok I will delete this art, I know is traced
Maybe don't be posting screenshots from tv shows too. That's also stealing.
Hello there everyone I just want to say that to those who were the victims of Nads6969's Art tracing diabolic schemes I am very sorry that it happen to you for the last decade.
It seems Nads also has an account on Behance: www.behance.net/nadiastepputat.
Anyone here familiar with at that site?