Elgan the WizardNPlusPlus on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/nplusplus/art/Elgan-the-Wizard-565826889NPlusPlus

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Elgan the Wizard



I needed a Wizard model for a Dungeons and Dragons campaign I'm playing in. It's set in a desert setting and he wears a hydration suit. I've been looking for a reason to paint a Retribution of Scyrah model for a while as I just love the appearance of their mix of magic and technology.

Used Heavy Gel to sculpt the beam coming from his spellbook into his hand and a few other bursts of magic throughout. (More info on using sculpting gel to create special effects here: www.wargamingtradecraft.com/20… )
Image size
2160x696px 328.96 KB
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