Novawuff's avatar


tea monster
303 Deviations

Deviation Spotlight

Artist // Professional // Varied
Fancy Llama: Llamas are awesome! (1816)
Half-Moon Cake: Half-Werewolves love it (3)
Heart: Love is in the air, someone is thinking of you! (1)
Gold Coin: Someone thinks you're golden! (2)
Snowball: Someone likes you, and it’s snow joke! (4)
My Bio
Just one thing first -
the totally fantastic graphic in my webcam box was made by:…
Because Rory is <3

i pass on my bad art habits to those foolish enough to hang out with me ;}

Current Residence: Kuna, ID
deviantWEAR sizing preference: lanky
Favourite genre of music: Synth, rock, and all it's children :}
Favourite photographer: w0lle
Favourite style of art: my attention span says ALL OF THEM
Operating System: my dear frankenputer
Wallpaper of choice: wallpaper is so 80's ;}
Skin of choice: not as white as mine?
Favourite cartoon character: Wakko Warner
Personal Quote: that is so...10 years ago.

Favourite Visual Artist
Vladimir Kush, Sherrie Russell Meline, Vannie
Favourite Movies
Despicable Me, Finding Nemo, Iron Man, The Fall, Click, Inkheart, The Watchmen, Sin City
Favourite TV Shows
Doctor Who, Bones, Fringe, Parks and Recreation, House, Lie to Me, MST3K, Rifftrax'd Stuff
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Wallflowers, Echoing Green, Leiahdorus, Counting Crows, Death Cab for Cutie, U2, Beatles..
Favourite Books
Winter Rose, Harry Potter series, Artemis Fowl series, Shutter Island
Favourite Writers
Alan Moore, Patricia A. McKillip, J.K. Rowling, Steven Moffat
Favourite Games
tetris junkie.. i do play a mean game of spoons, tho.
Favourite Gaming Platform
I still have the old school nintendo. i'm proud of that :D
Tools of the Trade
tea, insomnia, the musics, deadlines...
Other Interests
stuff. summer stuff. comic stuff. critter stuff. funny stuff. stuff.
Hadn't changed my journal in awhile, but don't really have anything profound to say... so I'll babble for awhile under the guise of an update. :P Biggest thing - I have a proper full time job now! I'm working the Geek Squad/Customer Service counter at Best Buy. &nbsp;It's amazing and crazy and I love it. &nbsp;I love getting out of the house, talking to all kinds of (not always normal) people, coming home with stories to tell, and learning all kinds of new things and skills...mostly, I love that it's NOT art! The income takes a LOT of the pressure off to always be taking commissions to try and keep up, money-wise. &nbsp;This means I probably won't be taki
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I've finished up a couple commission projects lately, which means I have room for a couple more. &nbsp;I know it's dumb, but I still don't have a price ladder or whatever...usually I just quote on a project-to-project basis... so its' easiest if you can tell me what you want... or better yet, show me! &nbsp;Find a picture that's similar to what you want in style and detail level... because I try to price commissions on how long I think I'll spend on them. :}
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Or, even better, what would you pay money for? &nbsp;I'd like to do more originals like this: and this: &nbsp; my commissions, of course. :P Experimenting with colors and a bit of stylization... I know I can do super photo realistic, and I also know how crazy obsessed I get over it and how often things end badly for me because of the obsession. &nbsp;Soooo I'm exploring a bit and trying new things. Anyway, what I'd like to know is what sort of subject matter would you like to see on your wall? &nbsp;Would want to pay
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Profile Comments 2.7K

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I know you've been inactive for quite some time, but I wanted to tell you that one of your artworks has been stolen:

Dragon Griffin Hyprid

It's sad that it's certainly not the first time you read this...

When you come back, please submit your gorgeous bird of prey art to the gallery of our brand new and ambitious group on this thematic ! To make your job easier I've collected the desired items here in a favorites collection with your username:

Please take your time and submit them from your end to our group gallery! I can't do it myself since I'm mostly out of submissions these days as a group founder (10 per day is nothing). If you have speed paints, tutorials etc. on this thematic please let me know!

You can also join us! Let me know if you don’t know how to do any of this or you having difficulties being on mobile!

This artist has been inactive for quite a while now, does anyone know if they have a tumblr or anywhere else they post art?
hey, i know her irl and she's doing well but still isn't posting art anywhere, it's just where her life is rn ^_^

A lot of her art has been stolen, modified, and profited off of. she could legally try to make a class-action lawsuit if she is willing to try to get treated fairly. my girlfriend just won a modified version of her June 2009 Werewolf Calendar painting at an arcade this month, and many other paintings of hers have been turned into wallpapers, seemingly without credit.