Thief [ATG8-07]Novaintellus on DeviantArt

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Novaintellus's avatar

Thief [ATG8-07]



What is this little pony doing?
Why do you desire death?
Hint hint, the dragon does desire death.

Ugh, I have been feeling anxious all day, the kind where you feel there is no point in doing anything. I had some cool ideas for some knight surround by foes or maybe something about Fallout Equestria. All attempts at those resulted in me being unsatisfied. I just didn't have enough confidence today, so I apologize for a very rough piece. Bleh, I hate complaining >n<

Thanks for Neon and Whitefeather0 for both keeping me sane and helping me settle on an idea. I appreciate all the help you two bring to my life. And I guess Neon has got me drawing more dragons--maybe if this whole pony thing doesn't work out, I'll have dragons :3

Sketch for Equestria Daily's Artist Training Ground VIII Day 7
Prompt: Draw a pony in danger / Draw a pony living life on the edge

Best pone Rarity from that toy company.
Image size
1280x960px 548.01 KB
© 2018 - 2025 Novaintellus
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Neonhuo's avatar
YAY! Tons of points for dragons~ I'm slowly corrupting you after all >:3
Plus even more points for rarity as well. These drawings are coming along really well! I'm proud of you. Keep it up friend!