Current Residence: gold coast, Australia Favourite genre of music: at the moment electro rock Favourite style of art: vector/minimalist Operating System: XP PRO MP3 player of choice: itunes/billy Favourite cartoon character: captain hero from drawn together
Favourite Movies
american psycho, lost in translation, anchor man, clockwork orange
don't seem to be using da much these days but im gonna try and get back into it a bit. changing accounts to :devb84: to freshen things up a bit. so update ya dev watches if you feel like abusing your eyes some more. may post some links to some mixtapes ive made too so your ears don't feel left out....
Going to Good vibrations music festival this weekend. should be awesome!looking forward to seeingBeastie Boys
Timo Maas
Sneaky Sound System
Cut Copy
Van She
CicadaCant wait!
I really loved your style! he is accurately what I was looking for! I am despaired trying to mount some invitations but I do not obtain therefore I do not have resources! you it could help me?