NorwayRavePlz's avatar


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  • June 3
  • Norway
  • Deviant for 13 years
  • He / Him
Llama: Llamas are awesome! (4)
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Original art made by :iconanoukbd:
Icon made by :iconanoukbd:

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sorry caps
:iconbelarusrapetimeplz: I'll take you home if you don't leave me at the front door
:iconamericahardpowerplz: Your body's cold, but girl, we're getting so warm
:iconfrancerapefaceplz: And I was thinking of ways that I could get inside
:iconromanofailplz: Tonight you're falling in love!
:iconitabroshumpplz: (Let me go now)
:iconlukasiewiczplz: The feelings' stirring me up!
:iconholyromeexcitedplz: (Here we go now!)
:iconukdanceplz: Now if she does it like this
:icongermanydanceplz: Will you do it like that?
:iconfrancesmackplz: Now if she touches like this
:iconrussiaturbopokeplz: Will you touch her right back?
:iconrussiarasputinplz: Now if she moves like this
:icondanceicelandplz: Will you move like that?
:iconrainbowitalyplz: (Come on!)
:iconitalyraveplz: Shake!
:iconromanoraveplz: Shake!
:icongermanyraveplz: Shake!
:iconprussiaraveplz: Shake!
:iconjapanraveplz: Shake it!
:iconenglandraveplz: Shake!
:iconamericaravepls: Shake!
:iconfranceraveplz: Shake! 
:iconraverussiaplz: Shake!
:iconravechinaplz: Shake it!
:iconnorwayraveplz: Shake! 
:icondenmarkraveplz: Shake! 
:iconfinlandraveplz: Shake!
:iconswedenraveplz: Shake! 
:iconicelandraveplz: Shake it! 
:iconsealandraveplz: Shake!
:iconcanadaraveplz: Shake!
:iconscotlandraveplz: Shake!
:iconmaidprussiaraveplz: Shake!
:icontimetodancearuplz: Shake it!
:iconswissraveplz: Shake!
:iconaustriaraveplz: Shake!
:iconraveseychellesplz: Shake!
:iconbelraveplz: Shake!
:iconsingaporeraveplz: Shake it!
:iconwthenglandplz: Your lips tremble, but your eyes are in a straight stare
:icongerita4plz: We're on the bed, but your clothes are laying right there
:iconceilingrussiaplz: And I was thinking of places I could hide
:iconfallingukraineplz: Tonight you're falling in love!
:iconitalyhugsjapanplz: (Let me go now)
:iconchinanoplz: The feelings' stirring me up!
:iconfrancemuahplz: (Here we go now!)
:iconenglandgetdownplz: Now if she does it like this
:iconamericagetdownplz: Will you do it like that?
:iconswitzerlandsplitplz: Now if she touches like this
:iconaustriasplitplz: Will you touch her right back?
:icondancerussiaplz: Now if she moves like this
:iconjapanpastaplz: Will you move it like that?
:iconrainbowludwigplz: (Come on!)
:iconitalyraveplz: Shake!
:iconromanoraveplz: Shake!
:icongermanyraveplz: Shake!
:iconprussiaraveplz: Shake!
:iconjapanraveplz: Shake it!
:iconenglandraveplz: Shake!
:iconamericaravepls: Shake!
:iconfranceraveplz: Shake! 
:iconraverussiaplz: Shake!
:iconravechinaplz: Shake it!
:iconnorwayraveplz: Shake! 
:icondenmarkraveplz: Shake! 
:iconfinlandraveplz: Shake!
:iconswedenraveplz: Shake! 
:iconicelandraveplz: Shake it! 
:iconsealandraveplz: Shake!
:iconcanadaraveplz: Shake!
:iconscotlandraveplz: Shake!
:iconmaidprussiaraveplz: Shake!
:icontimetodancearuplz: Shake it!
:iconswissraveplz: Shake!
:iconaustriaraveplz: Shake!
:iconraveseychellesplz: Shake!
:iconbelraveplz: Shake!
:iconsingaporeraveplz: Shake it!
:iconamericapopipoplz: I saw you dancing
:iconshakefishseyplz: And I couldn't get you off my mind
:iconitalywtfplz: I could tell, you could tell, that I was taking my time!
:iconiggybrowsplz: I was thinking of ways to get you to stay for the night
:iconukraineboobiesplz: Your body's shaking!
:iconohpervyfeliplz: Turn me on, so I can turn off the lights!
:icongilmoemoekyunplz: Now if she does it like this
:iconenglandsexydanceplz: Will you do it like that?
:iconaiyaharuplz: Now if she touches like this
:iconfrancestick2plz: Will you touch her right back?
:icondancingswedenplz: Now if she moves like this
:iconamericahappyspazzplz: Will you move it like that?
:iconrainbowkikuplz: (Come on!)
:iconitalyraveplz: Shake!
:iconromanoraveplz: Shake!
:icongermanyraveplz: Shake!
:iconprussiaraveplz: Shake!
:iconjapanraveplz: Shake it!
:iconenglandraveplz: Shake!
:iconamericaravepls: Shake!
:iconfranceraveplz: Shake! 
:iconraverussiaplz: Shake!
:iconravechinaplz: Shake it!
:iconnorwayraveplz: Shake! 
:icondenmarkraveplz: Shake! 
:iconfinlandraveplz: Shake!
:iconswedenraveplz: Shake! 
:iconicelandraveplz: Shake it! 
:iconsealandraveplz: Shake!
:iconcanadaraveplz: Shake!
:iconscotlandraveplz: Shake!
:iconmaidprussiaraveplz: Shake!
:icontimetodancearuplz: Shake it!
:iconswissraveplz: Shake!
:iconaustriaraveplz: Shake!
:iconraveseychellesplz: Shake!
:iconbelraveplz: Shake!
:iconsingaporeraveplz: Shake it!
A girl asked a guy if he thought she was pretty and
he said no.
She asked him if he would want to be with her forever and
he said no. She then asked him if she were to leave would he cry, and once
again he replied with a no.
She had heard enough. As she walked away, tears streaming down her face the boy grabbed her arm and said....
"You're not pretty, you're beautiful. I don't want to be with you forever. I NEED to be
with you forever. And I wouldn't cry if you walked away...I'd die"
♥♥ ~~THE END~~ ♥♥
Isn't that sweet? Tonight at midnight your
true love will realize they like you. Something good will happen to
you at 1:00-4:00pm tomorrow, it could be anywhere on IM or email,
outside of school, anywhere! Get ready for the biggest shock of your
life. If you break this chain letter you will be cursed with 10
relationship problems for the next ten years. If you post this to 15
pages in 15 minutes, you're safe.
:iconshibenorgeplz:Wow such icons.