NorroenDyrd on DeviantArt

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NorroenDyrd's avatar

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A.k.a The Three Brons.

This is a belated birthday present for :iconisriana: , featuring three depictions of her Skyrim thief character, Bron Martes. The middle Bron is my feeble attempt to copy :iconisriana: 's style (boy it was hard!). The Bron on the left (our left) is drawn in the old style I used to make chibi comics in when I just came to DA, discovered :iconisriana: 's amazing artwork, and learned what chibis were. The Bron on the right is drawn in my current style.
Image size
1300x800px 1.2 MB
© 2016 - 2024 NorroenDyrd
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Isriana's avatar
Awww, this is so lovely! :tighthug: :heart: Thank you so much once again! (I still think thatpoor Skyrim might not survive the crime wave that three Brons would cause... :XD:)