Mimi Nezuminorinoko on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/norinoko/art/Mimi-Nezumi-348264748norinoko

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Mimi Nezumi



It... is finally done!! My first (very short) visual novel! It was supposed to take a few months to make, but instead it took more than a year to complete because I kept putting it aside and took forever to continue working on it orz. It didn't help that I'm not experienced in drawing backgrounds.

You can download the game here www.mediafire.com/?rp7n0kw77rz… (MediaFire) or here www.4shared.com/zip/BJC9ZmCA/M… (4shared)
(Contains Windows, Mac, and Linux versions)

In this short VN, you play as Mimi, a little mouse who decided to venture out of her nest in the ceiling of a house and explore the place. There are decisions that you have to make which would determine the outcome of Mimi's short adventure. There are 6 endings in total.

Feel free to suggest any improvements that I could make for future games that I might (or might not) be making. Also, if there are any issues or bugs with the Windows or Linux versions of this game, please inform me so that I may fix them. Have fun~

Created using Ren'Py: www.renpy.org/
Credits/sources are in the game.

[UPDATE: Ver. 1.4 now has music in the main menu and credits. Also added another download link, in case one does not work.]

[UPDATE Jan 2020: The 4shared link is no longer working, but do let me know in the comments if you have trouble downloading the game.]
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© 2013 - 2025 norinoko
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SnuChan24's avatar
Hi! Do you give me permission to translate Mimi Nezumi? And to publish the patch in Spanish in my blog?~