Semi-Fast Princess CelestiaNoOrdinaryBalloonMan on DeviantArt

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NoOrdinaryBalloonMan's avatar

Semi-Fast Princess Celestia



I actually got a request that the simple version of the MLP characters almost did not work! I might actually go back and make my own redesign so that i can get her just right! This is Princess Celestia! She was only supposed to take about 7 minutes but she ended up taking about 18 minutes, during a rush hour! This is actually the opposite of the last MLP episode in which I think it would have been better in two parts! I also like Twilight as an Alicorn although I do not know how it will affect the next season (I am still very happy though that I will be getting to meet Tara Strong at Megacon, although I hope that Dad is not planning something for that weekend because my little sister wants to meet "Twilight Sparkle as a human")! Anyways, this was an intense balloon for its time but I know that I can probably do better if given a lot of time! I am actually trying to see if I can get a proposal made with my new balloon art mentor to see if he would want to try to target Bronycon and Everfree as potential places for us to make truly massive (and expensive but profitable) balloon art for conventions and festivals!
Image size
2560x1536px 692.52 KB
T-Mobile myTouch Q
Focal Length
4 mm
Date Taken
Feb 24, 2013, 8:21:57 PM
ยฉ 2013 - 2025 NoOrdinaryBalloonMan
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rhhay's avatar
wow, in only 18 minutes? That's really impressive