Pinkie, Cheese and FriendsNoOrdinaryBalloonMan on DeviantArt

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NoOrdinaryBalloonMan's avatar

Pinkie, Cheese and Friends



A few nights ago, I was asked to do a live stream fund raiser for the Grand Brony Gala and I decided to make Pinkie Pie and Cheese Sandwich since they are by far my favorite characters from My Little Pony! It took me about four hours to make both of them (1 1/2 hours for Pinkie and 2/ 1/2 hours for Cheese because of his shirt) and I had a great time doing the fund raiser and singing a lot of pony songs, Disney songs, rock songs and Bob Marley songs while I made everything. I also added Gummy and Boneless because these two ponies are not complete with out their pets (also I ship Pinkie and Cheese, shhh)! I was given a lot of song requests while I made the balloons! I cannot wait to be at the Gala and I have a new creation I will make there, The Tree of Harmony from Season 4! Please make sure to check out the Grand Brony Gala in Tampa, FL August 15-17 (a few days after my birthday) since I will be making something truly amazing and the best part is that all the proceeds help the Children's Miracle Network! So please come out to see me, meet fellow bronies and pegasisters and help those in need! 
Image size
4608x3072px 5.75 MB
Shutter Speed
10/250 second
Focal Length
22 mm
ISO Speed
Date Taken
Jun 10, 2014, 10:25:40 PM
© 2014 - 2025 NoOrdinaryBalloonMan
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