Balloon Sundancer (OC) Mascot for Grand Brony GalaNoOrdinaryBalloonMan on DeviantArt

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Balloon Sundancer (OC) Mascot for Grand Brony Gala



Almost two months ago I made a balloon version of the mascot for the Grand Brony Gala coming up in August! In my friend Jessica's hand (who happens to play her voice for the promos we are doing) is a plush that was made of her. I did my best to make an accurate version of the awesome "fiery" pony who is the Grand Brony Gala's mascot! Make sure to come and visit the Gala if you are in the South, since this is the only Brony convention in the South, and make sure to see my awesome creations and help support the Children's Miracle Network! Also you can meet other awesome guests like Cathy Wesluck (Spike the Dragon), Michelle Creber (Applebloom) and Black Gryphon (Bronies React and Twilightlicious Meme)! 
Image size
480x640px 112.84 KB
T-Mobile myTouch Q
Focal Length
4 mm
Date Taken
May 18, 2014, 6:20:06 PM
© 2014 - 2025 NoOrdinaryBalloonMan
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