Balloon King SombraNoOrdinaryBalloonMan on DeviantArt

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Balloon King Sombra



Now this was an interesting request, I was asked by this kid to make a horse that was evil, wore armor and was exceedingly awesome...I could think of no better horse than King Sombra! I know that he only had three lines and he could have been developed A LOT more but I still think that he was an exceptionally cool villain! He was made out of black clouds, he ate crystals, he was a stair master and he looked really cool in his armor! Its too bad that he was vaporized... or was he?! Could it be that there was a way to resurrect and even (gasp) reform him?! Well if you want to find out if this is possible then come to the Grand Brony Gala August 15-17 and see the stage show Fluttershy's Villainous Reformation show at the Grand Brony Gala! See if Fluttershy has what it takes to reform all the villains of Equestria and a benefit concert by Michelle Creber (Applebloom) and Black Gryphon (epic brony musician) and you could even see elaborate decor and potentially cosplays made out of balloons by me, Bruce Carr the No Ordinary Balloon Man! We will also have such awesome guests as Drawponies and the Brony Chef ! Come and see all of us here is Tampa and make sure to stay 20% more inflated! 
Image size
480x640px 149.85 KB
T-Mobile myTouch Q
Focal Length
4 mm
Date Taken
Jun 5, 2014, 8:26:17 PM
© 2014 - 2025 NoOrdinaryBalloonMan
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