Hello. My name is not Teddy. It's Richard. I am dead. I am also very talented because I am typing this even though I'm dead. Since I'm dead, I did what every dead seven year old boy would do. I typed up this nifty chain-letter on deviantART. Okay, here we go.
I am Richard. Once you read this, you cannot stop, even though it's very possible for you to simply move your eyeballs away and move on the the next comment.
I died peacefully while in a coma, but, despite that, I have no eyes and blood all over my face that I apparently am not able to wipe off. Anyway, if you don't post this to -INSERT RANDOM NUMBER HERE- pages I will do nothing because I am dead. So please post this chain letter because, like I said, I will do nothing to you and you don't want that to happen because I am a dead seven year old boy named Richard.