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Everything, but in moderation.
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Oh lord, but this school year flew by!  Today was the kids' last day.  I am exhausted.  Next week, I leave for New York and Maine, with photography equipment in hand.  Looking to take some stock!  I haven't been able to get much done the last several months, and I'm missing it sorely.  

Tomorrow is a workday, and Tuesday is training, then rest and recovery!  I cleared my desk at home and found m Wacom staring at me forlornly...he's been sadly neglected of late.  I'm itching to get back into doing some artwork.

On another positive note, I finally retired the sportscar.  Getting too difficult for my stiff old self to get in and out of it.  Got a nice big SUV.  It's white, so naturally I named it Moby.  I debated calling it Melville, but Moby suits.

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Back At It!

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So, it's a week and a half into the new school year. I am teaching great subjects this year - psychology, sociology, and comparative religion. It's the first time in years that I haven't had any economics and government courses. my classes are rather larger than I'd like, but the kids seem to be very interested in the subject matter. I've assigned a lot of work so far, and grading it has revealed that most of them are understanding the material pretty well.  the first test is on Friday, so that should tell.

On the downside, I never got to take a road trip this summer. I spent the entire summer going to doctor visits and having all kinds of tests run. Yuck. I just want to get out with my camera and take some shots! I'm hoping for a new prime lens for my birthday later in the month. Cannon has just reduced the prices on most of their lenses, which is great news!

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School is OUT!

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The past few weeks have been crazy-busy with trying to get my seniors graduating (on this coming Tuesday).  Two weeks ago, I had quite a few that had a great deal of missing work.  Surprise, surprise - they were actually able to knuckle down, do the work, and get it in to me.  This week has been final exams.  I was very pleased that the vast majority of students did a very credible job remembering all that they'd been taught since January.  

I'm hoping to take a car trip in a couple of weeks.  This week I still have school stuff to do, and next week I have medical appointments.  Then I'm free!  We are planning a road/photography trip over the summer.  I'm leaning towards Telluride and Silverton Colorado.  I've never been to the Rockies.  I hope everything works out so that we can go for a couple of weeks.

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I'm a little excited.  It should arrive on Tuesday.  I'm upgrading from my Canon 8 MP to a Cannon 18 MP.  There was a package deal being offered with several lenses, tripod, camera bag, and lots of other accessories that was only slightly more expensive than just the camera body by itself.  Now I can let my husband have the old camera for his work stuff - he takes snaps of kitchens and so forth that he's redesigning.  The greater resolution should make better stock :D 

Mood:   Happy 

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Dark art stock feature
   eggstockHDR0071 by The-Egg-Carton  Pixxel Worx Stock#45 by SFC-Auratus   
     Krypta - Kloster Drubeck   scal. by Capricornus60    Castle Edward Scissorhands Stock PNG by Shadow-of-Nemo   IMG 6426 7 8scal. by Capricornus60    rooms by Simbabadass    Netley Abbey 073 by VIRGOLINEDANCER1    Leipzig Suedfriedhof 9 by almudena-stock    Brussel Gargoyle 3 by Art-and-books    Brussel Gargoyle 2 by Art-and-books    Eye Ball Stock by PridesCrossing      <da:thumb id="437806981"/>      Goth Man Pose 2 by deswitath    White Wolf 3 by fallen-cherubim    White Wolf 22 by fallen-cherubim        Dragon pendant by Seraerith-stock    Mission San Jose 2 by annie2038    Skeleton_pack2 by Fune-Stock    Puzzlewood 22 by Tasastock    Balcony Stock2 by Cinnamoncandy-Stock    Medieval 13 by Noree-stock    Lazy Afternoon 04 by Elandria    397 Hogwarts 22 by Tigers-stock    spider02 by margarita-morrigan    spider03 by margaritamorrigan by margarita-morrigan    

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TGI OVER! by Nolamom3507, journal

Back At It! by Nolamom3507, journal

School is OUT! by Nolamom3507, journal

New Camera Ordered! by Nolamom3507, journal

Devious Journal Entry by Nolamom3507, journal