Él Estoy mal, no voy a negarlo. Pero no escribo esto con afán de expiar mi decisión. La locura que comenzó hace tiempo ha alcanzado el punto en que ya no me queda más salida.Todo comenzó varios años atrás cuando, en un momento de extraña osadía, me adentré de noche en el bosque no lejos del lugar en el que trabajo. Oscuro y fresco, e inmerso en un pesado silencio que hacía que cada una de mis pisadas resultaran en un perpetuo escalofrío.Continué avanzando por el camino apenas visible que en más de una ocasión me había servido de atajo cuando el sol aun se encontraba en lo alto. Sin embargo, no tardé mucho en darme cuenta de que algo no est...
Some leaves fell in the crater when Jared kneeled to check the rope.“Are you out of your mind?!” Jared asked astonished seeing how his best friend was still trying to reach the ancient object.“Do you know how mush we are going to win with it?” Sam responded shouting.“The rope won’t resist more!” Jared shouted. “We might be able to try again tomorrow.”“Are you crazy! What if another tomb raider come while we look for another rope?!”But as Jared warned Sam, the robe didn’t resist…Two weeks later his obituary was published quoting at the end of it the last words of his best friend:“…If it wasn’t for Sam, we might had never found such an valua...
“I really hate to get out this late from library; especially on fog nights.”“Why? It is not as it is going to rain.”“You will see.”The two friends took the shortcut through the pack. And suddenly when they reach about the center, they noticed the sound of a march.“Oh, no! And I though we would be safe of this crap.”Suddenly, they were surrounded by a skeleton army, which began to get near them producing creepy guttural sounds.“Awesome!” The other guy approached to the skeletons and touched one by the spine. “What are these? Animatronics?”“Who knows! Maybe some freaky props from Thriller, I don’t know. I’m just tired of them. They appeared ...
The dream was always the same. A frozen tower in an ice country, no life, no hope, but a silence past floating in the air as it has always done.Andrew had never understood it, but it was as if it has always been calling him in a whisper.He walked all the way to the last chamber of the tower, speechless and with a sad feeling inside his chest.He opened the door and there it was the pitiful place that he had visited so many times in his dreams. Dusty and covered by the snow that enters by the hole that in another time was a window. He went through the chamber to the ramshackle bed, he lifted the worn shade and there he saw something differen...
GrayDo you know that there are five types of people, but just four types of dreams? Dreams of power and wealth, dreams of glory and greatness, dreams of love and hope, and dreams of normality… But what about the other ones that have any of this?Nothing, with the pass of the days and the time in general, they become shadows, spectators of life, nothing more.But it is not that easy to distinguish them as you can think, because they not always, and even never, are those who the society points misfit or crazy; but the opposite, crazy and misfit people are generally those who clinging the most to they dreams.But this gray people, this people wi...
It was a cold night, so I put down the book I was reading, stood up and closed the window. There I saw the silhouette of my wife reflected in the glass.“Dear, where did you move my favorite carpet this time?” she asked from the bathroom entrance.I didn’t know what to say. She died two years before.
Todos alguna vez han dicho una pequeña mentira blanca para hacer sentir mejor a alguien, tal es el caso de mi amigo Esteban, quien tuvo que mantener las esperanzas de su hermana menor y de él mismo mientras su madre yacía en cama a causa del cáncer que le devoraba por dentro.-No llores, mamá se pondrá bien muy pronto.- Le repetía Esteban a su pequeña hermana cada noche cuando la arropaba en la cama pareciendo fuerte y forzando una sonrisa cuando él mismo deseaba derramar el llanto reprimido provocado por tal aflicción.Por varios meses el engaño parecía lograr animar a la pequeña Joana a salir adelante un día más. Pero la tarde del 29 de en...
-Aun recuerdo cuando apareciste aquella noche con Leonora.-La cima estaba desierta, y tu estabas en el mirador observando el cielo estrellado fuera de tu Ocho-Seis esperando la hora más silente de la noche.-Te estacionaste junto a mi y no pronunciaste una sola palabra hasta que me subí a mi auto.-Y cuando abriste la ventana me diste un cd y me dijiste que me prepara, que tocara el cd y empezaríamos en cuanto el track 1 terminara y sin dejarme decir una palabra arrancaste y te pusiste en posición.-¿Recuerdas la canción?-Saturday Night Fever de Dave RodgersRoger no pudo evitar esbozar una amarga sonrisa.-No creí que lo recordaras.-El cd aun ...
I'm always dreaming about becoming a scriptwriter for video games since elementary school, however since little later I have been taking detours through illustration and programing thinking that just one of those could be an actual door to that industry... Probably that's why I'm still dreaming.