nothing to see here GTFO plznocturnalMoTH on DeviantArt

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nothing to see here GTFO plz


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"stop taking pictures..!!"

ok, remember that interview I talked about recently? Yeah, we decided to spontaneously take a carton of eggs and a marker to the parking lot and see what happened..
The girl who interviewed me was at the time the only one with a camera, so she got to shoot lotsa different pictures of this scenario. But I didn't get to see how they turned out ('cos I was too shy to ask) so I came back later with my sister and my dad's camera.
The funniest part was when my sister and I took those two eggs you see in the background and smashed them as well (I put the glaring one back in the carton, just fer kicks..).

So, yeah, another egg picture..

The "story" behind this one is that one egg got brutally murdered, it was a hit-and-run kinda incident, and I'm guessing the egg lying next to him, crying it's eyes out, was his partner or something. That terrified one wasn't supposed to be covered in yolk/blood, but he fell.. which actually made it more gory in a way... idk
And that one at the front, glaring at'cha, he's the one keeping the paparazzi away, ridding the mourning eggs of unwanted attention.

on the other hand, Mr. Glarealot over there looks kinda accusing rather than threatening, don'tcha think..? Like he's saying "It was you... I just knowit.."

or something..


aaanyway! Hope you guys like it :p

art by: EMS / MoTH (that's right: still me..) oct. 2008
Image size
1248x1651px 427.21 KB
© 2008 - 2025 nocturnalMoTH
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