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I post about 10 high quality fantasy landscapes per week here!
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*my little sister enters the kitchen*
"...whatcha doin'?"
"oh, just drawing faces on Akira's pills. I thought it'd be somehow funnier for her to take them if they had smiles on them ^__^ "
"oh, ok. You should draw smashed faces on those two."
"haha, yeah." *draws*
"hehe. [...] You gonna put those on DeviantArt?"
"hm..! Yeah, maybe..?"
"cool. Oh! You should do one where everyone's smiling except one!"
"hehe, good idea, thanks!" *draws on another one*
Akira (my dog btw) has got a rash, and so I called the vet to come take a look at her today. He gave me these pills and said I should give her 4 pills a day for 10 days 'n stuff.
I've already given her 2. I wrapped them up in some salami, and so she swallowed them without a fuzz
Even though Akira is huge and almost a year old, she's still my little nuggum schnuggum baby and it sounds so serious to say that she's on pills, you know, I mean it sounds like there's something horribly wrong with her. So I decided to draw faces on them to make the whole pill thingy a bit cuter.
So instead of "omfg meds! " it's more like "yay! meds!" y'know?
so, yeah, that's the story behind this one.
It's a random picture and not particularly funny. I didn't mean for it to be funny either, I meant for it to be cute. :3
And I wanna thank my sister for her neat ideas ;]
Image size
782x1050px 214.28 KB
© 2008 - 2025 nocturnalMoTH
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