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JTHM - traumatize thy neighbor


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In the comment section of my last JTHM fanart/deviation, someone commented that I should draw Squee and Shmee. The suggestion actually inspired me, and I got this image stuck in my head for days.. Today I decided to draw that image I had in my head. The drawing/lineart (drawn with pen and paper) actually turned out almost exactly like I wanted it to. The colors however, didn't. I wanted to use blood red for the background, but that didn't go well with the blueish purple in the foreground.. So I ended up with this.

Hope you guys like it :)

oh, and the title is from the JTHM book. There's a chapter there called "traumatize thy neighbor". So credit for the title does not go to me ;)

characters (C) Jhonen Vasquez
fan art by: Elise M.S. / nocturnalmoth 2010
Image size
2546x3509px 2.94 MB
© 2010 - 2024 nocturnalMoTH
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Randoos's avatar

Y E S I have the directors cut of this book it's amazing