
22 Watchers29 Deviations
Llama: Llamas are awesome! (3)
My Bio
Current Residence: inside my evil twin brother's flesh; he was an only child
Print preference: something kinky I guess no point wasting good paper right
Favourite genre of music: most of them
Favourite photographer: don't know enough about it: maybe digiital:
Favourite style of art: anything
Operating System: 10.4.10
MP3 player of choice: itunes
Shell of choice: sand clampet
Wallpaper of choice: some of my own stuff at the moment
Skin of choice: hmmm... the fleshy kind; probably; I'd have a bit of a tan; yeah I think that would suit me
Favourite cartoon character: Coyote
Personal Quote: "live your life how you want it or live your life through the people on tv?"

Favourite Visual Artist
Favourite Movies
koroshia ichi
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
johnny cash: david gilmour: roger waters at the moment
Favourite Writers
andrew loomis barron storey david mack
Favourite Games
tequilla twister
Favourite Gaming Platform
those tables that old guys sit 'round & beat you at chess for cash
Tools of the Trade
quark7: cs2: hands: imagination: wacom: 901 black: HB: paints: canon powershot a610
Other Interests
art: mac:

it's christmas

0 min read
I do love multi-culturalism the ideas is to respect the lives cultures religions of others but not destroy your own I wouldn't think you'd get very far asking islam to change ramadan to holidays would you personally I wouldn't even ask so it's chrstmas get some slade on
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honest I did get some, they ain't made up ones either they were from actual people this time I can't blame DA as it was my own fault sorry to those that sent them it's close to mid-winter and I get excited by the fact that the sun will soon be with us once again a.
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        Remember, remember the fifth of November,        the Gunpowder, treason, and plot,        I know of no reason why gunpowder treason        Should ever be forgot.        Guy Fawkes, Guy Fawkes, 't was his intent        To blow up the King and parliment.        Three score barrels of powder below,        Poor old England to overthrow;        By God's providence he was catch'd        With a dark lantern and burning match.        Holloa boys, holloa boys, make the bells ring.        Holloa boys, holloa boys, God save the King!        Hip hip hoorah!        A penny loaf to feed the Pope.        A farthing o' che
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Profile Comments 75

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Thanks for the fav :)
Hi there!
Thank you for leaving message for me.

BTW, I really do not understand how to use this! How can I add to my friends list?????
hey M!

I'm sure you'll get the hang of things
nice to hear from you again!
Mr Dale I presume. :)
Been a long time man how are you?

long time no see
how you been keeping?
blimey look you're 25 now!
mwahaha sorry

nice to hear from you
catch up
Yes I am old now, aching a little and forgetting things. :)

You're a hard man to track down but I found some old MBs you posted on and such. Saw that you did some art for something called 'Hit' but like all the "Never mind the comics" stuff the links are all dead. :)

I'm working at Rolls-Royce nowadays building and burning Engine Manual CDs.... crazy boring... only recently got back to writing and stuff but I'm writing Anime / Manga reviews for a magazine called Neo now.
It's an extra £40 - £50 a month for 200 - 300 words, mebbe it'll lead on to more down the road, for now it's good beer money. :)

How about you then? I see you're art seems to have changed focus a bit. :)

glad to hear you're doing ok
and keep on with the writing, no point waisting that

just been expelled from college :o
not an art college just edinburgh's most underachiving college, bottom of the ranking system community college
and just in the process of taking them to court for wasting the last three years

so that explains the lack of anything decent here, but now that college is over, I hope to get back to doing stuff that I like
teaching myself photography, bit like yourself, hope it will be a source of extra pennies
think all the older work is on my old mac broken in the loft
but will try and find stuff
(mind you need to get the court case out of the way first before any art)

did some work for an american "company" pencils & inks for a blatant Conan/LotR ripp-off
but they went the way of most internet ppl and dissapeared when the comic was due to be published
mind you I reckon that I'd feel best doing all the art from now on
save having to let others make a mess of it, they looked liked they'd coloured it in with crayon lol! americans!
