Sailor Avengersnna on DeviantArt

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nna's avatar

Sailor Avengers




I hesitate to call this a lineup as it's really just drawings done individually that I tried to paste together somewhat coherently. These are drawings I have been posting on my tumblr for the past week [link]

Some of the original drawings I changed a bit for the sake of the lineup just so it would flow a bit better. I also gave Sailor Ironman a visor because Ironman needs more gadgets.

You may need to download for the full view, it's pretty wide.

tumblr link: [link]

Prints and other merchandise of my Sailor Avengers can be bought at my Society 6 shop! [link]
Image size
3000x1000px 2.57 MB
© 2012 - 2024 nna
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ohlookanotheron1's avatar

AH yes, my favourite magical girl anime, the Avengers. ...I joke, but I would probably watch this.