Destiny - VenusNKOV on DeviantArt

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Destiny - Venus



I imagine a warlock visiting venus for the first time, guns blazing, only to be taken aback by the view. (i know i was!! Venus in destiny is prob my favourite video game environment ever. those landscapes.. hnng)

I drew this for the boyf (it's his guardian lol) used references for the background. everything belongs to bungie etc etc

Drawn in Photoshop CS5, about 10 hours. 

I allowed people to download this to use as a wallpaper but I'm taking that off, as multiple sites have stolen it. Please do not download and put on your website. If you want to use the small version as a phone wallpaper or desktop wallpaper I don't mind. Just no reposting.
Image size
900x560px 691.57 KB
© 2015 - 2025 NKOV
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PixieGothic's avatar
Truly a treasure of Destiny fanart. The lighting is amazing and there is so much emotion in this picture.