Good news! We started new project that should interest many of you. AlterSteam is alternative style and fashion creative group from Poland. The group are: :iconsanta-evita: :iconsumire7: :iconm-a-l-e-n-a: :iconrehael: and me :iconnivelis: with support of many friendly and creative people!We need your support - follow us on FB ! Profile is updated every day with many interesting inspirations, historic materials and events information and ofcourse with our creative work - photos, articles, tutorials, etc.From october our main site will be open - with great help of :icontanathe:As soo...
Winter is coming.Wait! It's already here! :confused:
This year was fantastic, lot of great photography sessions, mostly thanks to involvement in photo groups that I mentioned in previous entry. So now I have hundreds of photos to work with. :evillaugh:I'm preparing big update of my dA profile so stay tuned! :nod:
For my most recent works and full photo sets of each photo session check (and like! :aww: ) my FB profile: