Current Residence: earth Favourite genre of music: hardcore,punk rock,melodic death metal,rock Favourite style of art: spacescapes,landscapes Skin of choice: mine! Personal Quote: You're only as sick as your secrets
Favourite Visual Artist
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
thrice,bsf,good riddance,shai hulud,ignite,nofx,fsf,dark tranquillity,arch enemy,at the gates,muse..
wooohooo another DD!! huge thanks to
:iconcasperium: :hug: for the feature and all the folks faving and commenting its much appreciated!!
so,ive been totally busy in this kinnda preholiday season with tons of work helping my parents out whit our familly business,basiclly
working two jobs so theres little time for finishing some stuff i started earlier,plus our band is going to start recording some new songs,
were travelling like 400 km to lay down drum tracks this weekend cant wait for it :D!!!also my bandmate bought a new line6 amp wich is pretty sweet and its currently in my room warming up wainting for me to cranck it up so cheers folks...
first things first,a huge thanks to :iconmyplaceatdeviantart: for suggesting echoes from a pastlife for a DD and to
:iconvoyager212: for the feature and all the nice people faving and comenting.
so as the title says i have no net at home and wont have it for another month or so,it sucks huge balls and im pretty bumed out but
things are getting better inspiration wise i have a few scenes still work in progress thou nothin to show i have to go to work now hope to see you all soon,have a great weekend,cheers!!:iconattrius:
:iconthe-final-frontier:some of my friends and great artists h...
hello there,i havent been around much for past few weeks,been busy with lots of stuff mainly work related everyday boring crap,bla..anyways its new years eve and im getting ready to get plastered with a bunch of my friends in a local disco club :D its gonna be trash evening,so just stoping by to wish everyone a great new year have fun and stay beautiful!!cheers :D:iconattrius:
:iconthe-final-frontier:some of my friends and great artists here check them out if you have the time!!
:iconphoenix-06: :iconsomnicelestia: :iconpipper-svk: :iconmatiiii:
:iconqzma: :iconmcchaz: :iconhoevelkamp: :i...