Stellar Selebrationnishi on DeviantArt

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Stellar Selebration



I couldn't think of a word for birthday that started with an S, and I love the long forgotten word stellar, so there ya go.

I haven't come out with anything lately, especially because I haven't come out with anything serious, well done, or classy-ish... so here, I think I finally got his character to look a little more normal because everyone knows I never get it right (Especially the eyes). @.@ And yup, I do love random backgrounds, so I made a busy space one which is probably too distracting, but I liked making it. :aww:

So anyways, happy birthday Mister Tobers! :3

Toby belongs to +tobyf
Image size
400x400px 157.74 KB
© 2004 - 2024 nishi
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Cytochrom's avatar
Whoa, this pic is amazing! O_O You made everything look so detailed. Great job on the background. The stars and constellations look awesome. I also like how everything is colorful, how many of the objects have their own color. :) There are probably some other stuff that I missed, but you do a great job of pleasing others with yours gifts. Well done.